Thursday, March 05, 2009

"The Pussification of America Has Its Poster Boy"

Oh my God, have we gotten soft.
The economy is threatening depression. Wall Street is down 4,000 points since my birthday. The thieves who ran Countrywide Financial into the ground with bad mortgages are now making millions by buying those same bad mortgages from the government for pennies on the dollar. Panel reports out today suggest Iran could have nuclear weapons in less than a year potentially rendering the whole Israel conversation eternally mute, and Nancy Pelosi is still running the House. We're in a world of hurt, people! Yet, every time I turn on the TV or the radio or the computer, all I hear about is the idiot Bachelor!
Was Monday night's shocking breakup with Melissa a traumatic blow to the national psyche? Will they ever get over the hurt and humiliation? How could ABC allow such a train wreck to happen? Don't you feel horrible for all involved? No. Not just no. Hell, No! Not remotely. Women's groups have come under fire for calling Jason Mesnick a douche. Why? A) They're the only ones really qualified to make the comparison, and B) he is one. While we're at it, he's a whore too.
Jason Mesnick just got to live every man's fantasy - 25 beautiful women, all into him, all at the same time, all willing to do just about anything to reach the next round of the tournament. Talk about a kid in a candy store. It was like Miss America for a judge of one and guess what - at the end, he didn't even HAVE to pick a winner. Or, in his case, he picked TWO winners. Maybe he just got used to kissing mulitple "soulmates" at the same time. If he really wanted to shake things up, he should have asked Melissa and Molly for a three-way. Of course, that would only happen on E!
Before we all get caught up in the pity party for "The Bachelor's" final trio, consider this: the three of them knew exactly what they were getting into and the odds of finding their lobster only going on sporadic dates in a six week period. AND in the process, they got to spend six all expenses paid weeks in an L.A. mansion, they got to go on once-in-a-lifetime adventures you and I couldn't touch for five figures. They got to eat the best food and see the best stuff. And when all of that was finished, they went to NEW ZEALAND FOR TWO WEEKS WITH THE ENTIRE MESNICK FAMILY because apparently, L.A. is no longer schwanky enough.
In the end, Jason had to choose one or the other, just as he had known he'd have to do from the very beginning. And when he finally chose and put Molly in the limo, he cried like a five year old who just found out Santa is her alcoholic uncle Larry. Hey nutless! Put on a helmet and let's play ball, huh? Melissa is smokin! Ready to be your everything and has six weeks of pent up Dallas Cowboy cheerleader moves to unleash on your pansy ass so pick it up! But no! They couldn't even get that right. And what did they have to do for all this heartache? Commit to keeping the outcome quiet over the holidays. Well, Boo Friggin' Hoo!
If you ask me, I think it's high time we freshen up the whole "Bachelor" concept with a real twist. When the 25 bachelors get to the mansion to meet Jillian in the fall, I say we throw their asses in an Army Cargo plane and make 'em parachute out for "The Bachelorette - Micronesia!" Let's combine "The Bachelor" and "Survivor" and let these people prove they can actually do something like survive in the wild. Screw the Vera Wang gowns and Bill Blass tuxedos. Put the Harry Winston necklaces back in the vault, park the damn helicopter and fire the personal chef. Let's see these guys eat nothing but grubs and tree bark for a month without their Teeth Whitening Crest with the mouthwash chaser and see how fast the Bachelorette pulls the cheek turn maneuver when tonsil hockey comes up on the menu?
Don't feel bad for Jason the whore. Don't feel bad for Melissa the jilted. And six months from now when you see Molly on the cover of US Weekly with the headline "What happened?" don't waste a second of pity on her either. They got their 15 minutes. They got their money. They got to go to New Zealand on ABC's dime! You want to feel bad for somebody? Feel bad for your grandchildren and great grandchildren who are going to suffocate under the Trillions of dollars Congress and President Obama are about to hang around our necks like a two-ton millstone.
But alas, that's another blog for another day.

Monday, November 24, 2008

"A Christmas Miracle... Sorta"

Most people don't love a cappella music. It's a fact. You can look it up.

Oh, sure, most people will sit in church and listen. And on occasion, you might listen to 47 seconds of some trendy pop song on the radio before turning the station, but in general, a cappella music, that is, vocal music with no instruments, is not a fan favorite. Unless maybe you once sang in the Glee Club. If that was the case, there is certainly more of an affinity for tight harmonies and the kind of vocal resolution that in some of us, produces both goosebumps and envy.

It's not anybody's fault, really. Singing 4-part arrangements by a bunch of dead Europeans who for the most part, never heard of syncopation, just isn't that sexy. Not when compared with Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical, Hip Hop, R&B and Rap. That said, I'm pretty sure A Cappella could still kick the crap out of polka in a fair fight. But you didn't hear that here.

Personally, I love a cappella music and am always on the lookout for really good groups. I had the privilege of singing in a 12-man group in college called "Southern Comfort" and last year around Christmas, I looked on YouTube to see if maybe the group had posted videos of their performances. They had not. But a group called "Straight, No Chaser" from Indiana University had and boy, they were smokin.

The video was of the group performing an arrangement of "The 12 Days of Christmas" in a concert more than 10 years ago in 1998. It was brilliant. All kinds of fun twists and turns with an ending set to Toto's "Africa." As I often do, I sent the link to my other singing buddies and family members who like this sort of thing, so they too could enjoy the little treasure I found buried on YouTube. But as it turns out, I wasn't the only one mining A Cappella gold.

To date, more than 8 million people have viewed the video and as a result, the group has reunited and recorded a new Christmas CD called "Holiday Spirits" that's complete with the live performance of "12 Days" plus more than a dozen other Christmas classics and at least one original piece. It's a fantastic CD and will be a holiday favorite of mine for years to come.

If you haven't heard Straight, Chaser or seen their YouTube video, check it out. Consider it an early Christmas present.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Thank You and Godspeed"

Like so many other people, for years, Veterans Day has been a holiday on the periphery for me. A special day to honor those who have served our country in the Armed Forces, but as much, a day when the banks were closed and government employees had the day off. Oh, the town might have everyone to the park for hot dogs and lemonade and a neighbor down the street might come by and put little flags in everyone's yards, but sadly, that's about all the thought I can ever really remember giving to Veterans Day. It's not that I didn't care. I simply didn't take the time to stop and show the respect that's due to those who in many cases have paid the ultimate price so that you and I can enjoy the freedoms we do.

Yesterday, in the warmth of a Texas afternoon, our scout troop gathered at Flower Mound High School with other groups of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies and Girl Scouts, as well as an ROTC unit from a local high school and we marched about 150 yards across the track that separates the football field from the stadium bleachers to pay our respect to a small gathering of Veterans and about 300 Flower Mound onlookers who too had come to pay their respects. Among the masses in the stands Sunday was a man in his Navy whites who last served our country in World War II. We figured even if he served at the end of the war, that was 63 years ago which probably puts him well into his 80s. He was there with a walker. But he was there. And we were all proud to honor him, even if only with something as simple as walking across a track with an American flag. I don't really know his story. But I'd sure like to.

When my father died, one of the things my brother and I did to help my Mother was go through the things in the top drawer of his dresser. That had always been the treasure drawer where you'd find things like half-used cans of Kiwi shoe polish, tiny seals from the Aleutian Islands carved out of Ivory and maybe a political button for Lyndon Johnson or Jimmy Carter. On this particular night, we also found a long, narrow navy box made of faded leather and a slightly rusted hinge. Gold filigree adorned each side and on top, there were three simple words. It said, "Bronze Star Medal." Upon opening the box, that's exactly what we found inside.

To be clear, my father never served in the military. Neither did my grandfather. And while my father was certainly a hero of ours, he never did anything heroic in combat. Certainly not anything that would have won him a Bronze Star we had never seen, nor heard about. We asked Mom about it and she too had no idea where it would have come from or who might have given it to Daddy. We assume it was a client he helped in some capacity. It remains one of the great mysteries I fear I will never figure out.

I want to know who it belongs to. I want to know why they would ever give it up. Someone earned that Bronze Star for heroic or meritorious service to our country. Someone stood up and fought for the freedoms I enjoy yet somehow now, through fate and extenuating circumstances beyond my comprehension, that Bronze Star has now made its way into my possession. It doesn't have a name. It doesn't have a serial number. To my knowledge, there is no way to tell who it belongs to. I'm sad for that. At very least, I would like to find the family to whom this medal, this recognition, this validation, rightly belongs.

In the absence of that, all I can do, is say "thank you." To my cousin Kathleen's husband Lt. Colonel Tom O'Connor who is missing his four children and beautiful wife so he can fight on my behalf in Afghanistan. To Reservist John Cox, a husband from our Sunday School class who is serving in the Middle East and just buried six of his friends. To all the Veterans who have fought and will continue to fight today, and every day so that I can sleep at night in the security and freedom of Democracy, my thoughts and my prayers are with you.
With the thanks of a grateful nation, have a happy, healthy and safe Veterans Day. And for those who are far, far away - come home soon!

Friday, November 07, 2008

"Logan, the Sky Angel Cowboy"

For anyone who needs a blessing today, here you go!

Friday, October 31, 2008

"My Last Rambling On Politics"
Over the past year, I have posted a number of political blogs on this site that were heartfelt, conservative and for some of my Democratic friends, fairly irritating. Apparently, I said what I needed to say fairly well.

From the day the calendar turned to 2008 back in January and the real election was on, I've believed that the decision we make on Tuesday - deciding whether John McCain or Barack Obama will become the 44th President of the United States - is more than simply a political race. I believe it's a fight for the soul of America.

In the five weeks since my last blog, Barack Obama has made it clear that his objective as President is the redistribution of wealth in this country. In his mind, those in the middle class/working class need a leg up. They need a break. They need to be given what in their minds they have not been able to get for themselves. And according to Obama, "the rich" in our country are the ones who need to give it to them. The thing is, the closer we get to the election, "the rich" continue to be a moving target.

In the three Presidential debates, Senator Obama said anyone making less than $250,000 a year wouldn't see an increase in their income taxes, capital gains tax, or property tax. Last week, Obama dropped that number to $200,000. In a speech earlier this week, Joe Biden quoted the number at "anyone making less than $150,000" and today, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson set the number at $120,000 in a campaign speech on Obama's behalf. It doesn't take new math to see where this is going:

"If Barack Obama is the engineer of a giant freight train rolling backwards toward the American people at 150 mph and there are 100 million people strapped to the rails with nowhere to go, how many people and businesses does the train have to kill before it will stop?"

The thing is, 99% of America won't ever hear these quotes, much less hear them before Tuesday. The press is so overwhelmingly in the tank for Obama that they're just laying down like a bunch of dogs on any story that might even have a hint of controversy. Conservative talk radio and certain corners of the web are the only places even raising questions about Obama. And that, more than anything else, frustrates me about Tuesday.

You'd like to think most people will go into the voting booth with an educated viewpoint about why they're pulling the lever for Obama or McCain. But that requires the opportunity to review fair and balanced information. In this election, the negative coverage of the McCain/Palin ticket and the protective shielding of the Obama/Biden ticket has been both overwhelming and embarrassing.

When I was in college in the Journalism school, if I had covered any of my stories the way the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Sun-Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC have covered this election, I would have failed every assignment. And so have they.

Now before you accuse me of sour grapes, or giving up, nothing could be further from the truth. I do think Senator McCain has a fighting chance on Tuesday and I do pray, and hold out hope, that when push comes to shove, the American people will see Obama's redistribution of wealth to be the Socialism that it is and diametrically opposed to everything that built this country and made it great.

When I was a little boy, my father told me I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up - provided I was willing to work hard enough to get it. I believed him. And I worked hard. In high school, while other people I knew slept through class, refused to study and screwed around, I studied my ass off so I could get into a good college. I graduated with a 4.0 and number 7 in my class of 202. I was accepted into one of the top 15 Liberal Arts Universities in the country where I again worked diligently to get the best education I could. After graduating from Washington & Lee, I attended one of the Top 5 graduate schools in the country for Mass Communication where I earned my Masters degree. That hard work and education made it possible for me to attend a second graduate program at one of the country's elite schools for creative writing. I spent another 2 years earning that degree.
Following graduation, I got a job at a 13-person advertising agency and started at the bottom like everyone else. I was a junior copywriter at a small agency with not a lot of clients. Within three years, I worked my way up to Senior Copywriter. At seven years, I became a Creative Director and this year, after 17 years in the business and tenures at five agencies, I earned the privilege of being named Executive Creative Director. I didn't get there working 40 hours a week. I didn't get there with handouts or excuses. I didn't get there by relying on the government. I got there by doing whatever it took to succeed. I got there by working nights and weekends and when necessary, 70-hour weeks. I got there by saying "yes, I will" when others said, "Sorry, I'm busy." I got there by remembering what my father taught me when I was 8-years-old - "Michael, you can achieve anything you want to if you're willing to pay the price for it."

I have, and will continue, to pay that price because I believe in earning my way. Pulling my own weight. And tempering ambition with the work required to achieve it. Now Barack Obama wants to take a disproportionate share of what I, and others like me, have worked 20, 30, 40 years to earn so in his infinite wisdom and that of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, they can redistribute it to those who make less, all in the name of fairness. If anyone can explain to me how that is in any way fair, I invite you to try and explain it to me.
Are there people who need help and government assistance? Of course there are. But when that assistance becomes systemic and comprehensive, and those people become wards of the state cradle to grave, that is a psychological and financial burden that no thriving country in history has been able to sustain.

My friends, we are in a battle for the soul of America. And no matter what happens on Tuesday, we are losing. But that doesn't mean we are giving up.

As evidenced by the title of this blog, this is my last political rambling. But it's in no way my last political post. On Monday, I am launching a new blog called "One Voice To The Right" that will be exclusively political. I'm describing it as "Conservative Political Observations in Defense of God and Country" and that's exactly what it will be. In searching for inspiration for my new blog, I came across a quote from Thomas Jefferson and it gave me all the resolve I needed. Jefferson wrote, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

I've never been accused of being quiet. And I'm not about to start now.

I invite any of you who follow what I write to join me at on Monday and moving forward. For those who prefer the non-political, I will continue to post blogs here at "Thoughtful Ramblings" and will return to lighter topics, fun observations and yes, a bit of sarcasm starting next week.

Thank you for your support of my writing and my blogs. I hope to see all of you on the other side.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Call If You Need Me"
Tonight, in response to reports that John McCain will suspend his Presidential campaign in the morning so he can return to the Senate to help solve the financial Armageddon in front of us, I came across this response on an ABC News blog - verbatim:

"McCain is not ready, prepared or able to have a serious debate on issues. This is a strategy so if he does badly, he can’t say he was putting country first. He must think we are a bunk of stupid idiots or worse.

It is easy to have a conversation about pigs and lipstick, but more difficult to talk about your campaign manager is in the hind pocket of the same institution that is failing or in governing our society. They make stupid statement like he haven’t taken salary, okay, when all the dusk settles and this election is over, there is something called retained earning where distribution are made. Don’t you kinda think he will get his prorata share down the road. Are we really that stupid?"

Are you really that stupid? From the typos, lack of coherent thought and problems with subject/verb agreement, I'm gonna sayyyy... yeah! I think you're that stupid.

(Sorry. The top part of this blog was all for me)

In all reality, this morning, in response to the crisis, Senator McCain released the following statement:

"America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. We must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy. People will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake. Businesses will not have enough money to pay their employees. If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow this to happen.

Last Friday, I laid out my proposal and I have since discussed my priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward. Senator Obama has expressed his priorities and concerns. This morning, I met with a group of economic advisers to talk about the proposal on the table and the steps that we should take going forward. I have also spoken with members of Congress to hear their perspective. It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration's proposal. I do not believe that the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.

Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me. I am calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem. We must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.

I am directing my campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on presidential debates to delay Friday night's debate until we have taken action to address this crisis. I am confident that before the markets open on Monday we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners, and earn the confidence of the American people. All we must do to achieve this is temporarily set politics aside, and I am committed to doing so.

Following September 11th, our national leaders came together at a time of crisis. We must show that kind of patriotism now. Americans across our country lament the fact that partisan divisions in Washington have prevented us from addressing our national challenges. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country."

When asked of his plans, Senator Obama's response?

"I told the Congress if they think I can help, call me"

Dear God!

Every day, in my job as a lowly writer, I want the ball. I want to effect change and have a positive impact on the outcomes affecting our company and I'm just a creative director at a small advertising agency in Dallas. I'm not running to be the most powerful man on earth.
"I told the Congress if they think I can help, call me"

If Barack Obama doesn't value his input as a leader more than that, why should I?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

"Obama's Right - I'm Voting For Change"

For the past 18 months, Barack Obama has been telling the country it's time for change. He's been saying that Washington is broken and that it's time for a wholesale shift in the way things are done. He says it's time to change the way America thinks and more importantly, the way America acts.

After watching the speeches from the Democratic National Convention and then watching the speeches from the Republican National Convention last week, I've decided that I couldn't agree more. It is time for change. And change is what I'm voting for on November 4th.

I want leaders who will force a change in the piss poor job Congress has been doing under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I want the House, and especially the Senate, to stop the finger pointing and the partisan Bullshit that's keeping them from getting anything done. I want the petty gridlock to stop and I want the multi-million dollar earmarks abolished forever. Politicians shouldn't go to Congress to garner favors for their friends and big contributors and if that's why they went, they don't deserve to be there.

In her acceptance speech, Governor Palin commented that politicians need a servant's heart and that Americans expect public officials to serve for all the right reasons. At the risk of speaking for America, yes! That's exactly what we expect.

I want leadership that will change the Liberal judicial wave that's rolling through this country where judges think it's their right to legislate from the bench. Our Judicial system was put in place 14 generations ago for judges to interpret the laws set forth in the Constitution. When a state votes overwhelmingly against gay marriage and three out of five judges overturn those millions of votes based on their personal ideology, that's an abuse of power and it has to change.

After 8 years of a man who treated the Oval Office like the Playboy Mansion, and 8 years of a President who meant well, but who's been highly ineffective, I want a President who will change the level of respect we feel for the Presidency. I want a man who will make us believe in America again and who will inspire US to change America. That man is John McCain.

Say what you want about John McCain, the man has spent a lifetime doing what's right. And don't tell me the fact that man was a Prisoner of War for 5 years isn't relevant. That is such horseshit! Does being a POW and getting the Hell beat out of you every day for four years because you let other soldiers go home ahead of you qualify you to be President? No. Does it tell me everything I need to know about John McCain's character and integrity? You bet your ass it does.

John McCain believes in the people. Barack Obama believes in the government.

John McCain believes in inspiring and empowering people to make a difference in our country. Barack Obama believes in making government bigger to redistribute our country's wealth.

John McCain believes in cutting taxes and letting we the people decide how and where to invest the money we've earned. Barack Obama belives in taking as much of your money as he can and giving it to a Congress with a 12% approval rating to spend.

John McCain is Country First. Barack Obama is Government first.

It's not the same thing!

In the "Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln talked of "a government of the people, by the people and for the people." Notice government "for the people" comes last. It has its place, but it is last! Whether it was our founders, or our greatest President of the last century and a half, government is first and foremost "of" and "by" the people. We are the ones who are supposed to make a difference. We are called to help those less fortunate. We are called to make America great. Not the government. The people! When that power and responsibility are usurped and given wholly to the government, our democracy will crumble and all the liberal freedoms we think will set us free are the very ones that will end up destroying us.

As I've said before, I completely respect the views and opinions of my Democratic friends. I know they hold their political philosophies as closely as I do mine. But this election is too important for polite chit chat and "you could be rights!" For the first time in my political life, I find myself hypercharged and hyperfocused on where our country has to go and who the leaders are that have to help us get there. In my heart, I truly believe it's a life and death imperative for our country and the future of our children.

Hearing Governor Palin's speech and John McCain's the following night at the RNC, it struck me how different America will look this time 4 years from now depending on who comes out on top. We have 56 days to affect that outcome in any way possible.

Vacation is over. There's work to do.