Sunday, September 07, 2008

"Obama's Right - I'm Voting For Change"

For the past 18 months, Barack Obama has been telling the country it's time for change. He's been saying that Washington is broken and that it's time for a wholesale shift in the way things are done. He says it's time to change the way America thinks and more importantly, the way America acts.

After watching the speeches from the Democratic National Convention and then watching the speeches from the Republican National Convention last week, I've decided that I couldn't agree more. It is time for change. And change is what I'm voting for on November 4th.

I want leaders who will force a change in the piss poor job Congress has been doing under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I want the House, and especially the Senate, to stop the finger pointing and the partisan Bullshit that's keeping them from getting anything done. I want the petty gridlock to stop and I want the multi-million dollar earmarks abolished forever. Politicians shouldn't go to Congress to garner favors for their friends and big contributors and if that's why they went, they don't deserve to be there.

In her acceptance speech, Governor Palin commented that politicians need a servant's heart and that Americans expect public officials to serve for all the right reasons. At the risk of speaking for America, yes! That's exactly what we expect.

I want leadership that will change the Liberal judicial wave that's rolling through this country where judges think it's their right to legislate from the bench. Our Judicial system was put in place 14 generations ago for judges to interpret the laws set forth in the Constitution. When a state votes overwhelmingly against gay marriage and three out of five judges overturn those millions of votes based on their personal ideology, that's an abuse of power and it has to change.

After 8 years of a man who treated the Oval Office like the Playboy Mansion, and 8 years of a President who meant well, but who's been highly ineffective, I want a President who will change the level of respect we feel for the Presidency. I want a man who will make us believe in America again and who will inspire US to change America. That man is John McCain.

Say what you want about John McCain, the man has spent a lifetime doing what's right. And don't tell me the fact that man was a Prisoner of War for 5 years isn't relevant. That is such horseshit! Does being a POW and getting the Hell beat out of you every day for four years because you let other soldiers go home ahead of you qualify you to be President? No. Does it tell me everything I need to know about John McCain's character and integrity? You bet your ass it does.

John McCain believes in the people. Barack Obama believes in the government.

John McCain believes in inspiring and empowering people to make a difference in our country. Barack Obama believes in making government bigger to redistribute our country's wealth.

John McCain believes in cutting taxes and letting we the people decide how and where to invest the money we've earned. Barack Obama belives in taking as much of your money as he can and giving it to a Congress with a 12% approval rating to spend.

John McCain is Country First. Barack Obama is Government first.

It's not the same thing!

In the "Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln talked of "a government of the people, by the people and for the people." Notice government "for the people" comes last. It has its place, but it is last! Whether it was our founders, or our greatest President of the last century and a half, government is first and foremost "of" and "by" the people. We are the ones who are supposed to make a difference. We are called to help those less fortunate. We are called to make America great. Not the government. The people! When that power and responsibility are usurped and given wholly to the government, our democracy will crumble and all the liberal freedoms we think will set us free are the very ones that will end up destroying us.

As I've said before, I completely respect the views and opinions of my Democratic friends. I know they hold their political philosophies as closely as I do mine. But this election is too important for polite chit chat and "you could be rights!" For the first time in my political life, I find myself hypercharged and hyperfocused on where our country has to go and who the leaders are that have to help us get there. In my heart, I truly believe it's a life and death imperative for our country and the future of our children.

Hearing Governor Palin's speech and John McCain's the following night at the RNC, it struck me how different America will look this time 4 years from now depending on who comes out on top. We have 56 days to affect that outcome in any way possible.

Vacation is over. There's work to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palin is the most unqualified V.P. choice in the history of the United States.

10:59 PM  

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