Friday, May 23, 2008

"Mr. Oblivious"

McDonalds. The DMV. The grocery store. Ever get stuck standing in line behind that guy who's completely oblivious to the fact that there are other people standing in line behind him while he tells the person at checkout his entire, freakin' life story?

This morning I had my annual physical and in preparation for the inevitable "sample," I drank a liter of water between my house and the office which is right next door to my doctor's office. My appointment was at 9 a.m., but by 8:15 I was pretty much ready to fill the cup. By 8:45 I was dying and decided to head over to my appointment a little early.

When I got there, Chatty Cathy was standing at the window sweet talking every nurse that walked by. He let everyone know where the cheapest gas was within a 10 mile radius by station. He talked about his wife's medications. All of them. And then he proceeded to ask about every symptom he's had since 1961. At one poinit the nurses asked the lady standing behind him and in front of me to come on back so they could check her in. Even that didn't phase him.

I totally wanted to yell at this guy "Hey Noah! There's gonna be a flood back here if you don't just Shut up!" Mercifully, he finally agreed on an appointment time and after another couple minutes of goodbyes, finally left. When I finally did get to the window, the look on my face must have been none too subtle. The nurse just pointed down the hall and said "second door on the left."

Probably good I didn't say anything to the guy. He'll probably end up in front of me at Walgreen's.


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