Thursday, May 08, 2008

"I Was Wrong About Hillary Clinton "

For the last four months, I've been convinced Hillary Clinton was channeling the Marquis de Merteuil. You remember her. The conniving, controlling, manipulative high society Madame Glenn Close played to perfection in the movie "Dangerous Liaisons."

Throughout the film, the aging, worldly Marquis plays man against man, woman against woman, young against old and wealthy against working class in a behind the scenes effort to control high society. When criticized, she cries, gaining momentary sympathy, only to come back more vicious and more determined to destroy anyone crossing her path. She plots, she manipulates, she lies, and in the end, she kills the one thing she loves most leaving her miserable, shunned and totally exposed.

It seems to me, that pretty much accounted for the Clinton campaign since the beginning of the year. But something changed about three weeks ago, and even more on Tuesday with Barack Obama's 12 point victory in North Carolina and narrow loss in Indiana. Finally, it seems he's all but sewed up the Democratic nomination. The Hillary Clinton I thought I knew, changed. And now, I realize I was wrong about Hillary. She's not the Marquis de Merteuil. She's Norma Desmond from "Sunset Boulevard." You remember her. The wide-eyed, former silent film star who insisted she was still a star while the rest of the world passed her by.

Yesterday, amid increasing pressure to get out of the Presidential race for the good of the Democratic party, the Clintons decided instead to not only stay in, but spend their time lobbying superdelegates with innuendo of Obama bombshells coming in October and Barack's lack of electability. Like Norma Desmond at her disallusioned best, Hillary stands, demanding her close up, while Bill, like Norma's Butler Max, scurries around in the background, acting indignant and doing everything he can think of to find a way to take the nomination away from the man who has earned it.

Like the rest of the country, I'm tired of it. But then who am I to complain? As a card-carrying Republican I'm enjoying the circus. I'm just ready to get the clowns out of the ring and move on to the second act.


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