Saturday, January 05, 2008

"I Never Liked Lucy"

Look at "Peanuts" cartoons from the past 50 years and some very clear pictures emerge. Snoopy is the ultimate optimist. Charlie Brown is the conscience - the whipping post who ultimately finds a way to survive. Linus is sensitive reason. Schroeder? An unwavering advocate for the Arts. Sally represents hope and the belief in true love. And Lucy? Lucy is just a pain in the ass.

I've just spent the last 3 hours watching the New Hampshire Republican and Democratic debates on ABC and I'm now ready to say what I've thought for a while now. I wasn't always sure, but after tonight's performance, I'm convinced.

Hillary Clinton will NOT get the Democratic nomination for President and here's why - she's Lucy! And people don't like Lucy. She's arrogant, she's condescending and she throws out insults like Mardi Gras beads in a topless bar. Yet as smart as she is, ironically, she can't figure out why people think she's completely annoying.

Just two days after the vote in Iowa where she finished third behind Barack Obama and John Edwards, Hillary seems increasingly agitated that she's no longer the center of attention. At one point during tonight's debate, Edwards and Obama (who are clearly now uniting against her) were discussing something when she interrupted and started literally yelling about everything she's done. "I did this!" she said. "And I did that! I have experience. I've actually gotten things done!" It was such a tantrum moment, I almost expected her to stand up and stomp her feet and say, "Dammit, listen to me! Why is no one listening to me!"

When Edwards and Obama began talking from the heart about what drives them and why they believe what they do, she interrupted again with her sarcastic cackle and said, "I'm sorry, can we please have a reality check here!" I'm telling you, the woman is Lucy.

Her camp calls her responses "tough." That's spin. Maybe it's just me, but every time I hear her speak, especially in a debate situation, she just has this understated arrogance like she truly believes everyone else at the table is an idiot. Oh, she smiles while she's talking, and sometimes when she's listening. But you know what? You'll see a lot of teeth on a Great White too, right before they eat you.

It remains to be seen how this all plays out and I could be completely wrong about Mrs. Clinton. But I don't think so. We as a nation, cannot, and I think will not, elect someone who we fundamentally do not like. I think Hillary's disingenuine and I think she's clearly the beneficiary of having been married to one of the slickest Presidents ever.

You know what else? I bet she's really, really good at yanking away a football.

Hillary Clinton as President of the United States? Good Grief!


Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to see you posting again. I had given up on you, there.

While our views become further apart as the years progress, I none-the-less love reading what you have to say. The post about your wife was touching. I feel the same about mine.

Though I'm not a Rudy fan (Ron Paul all the way) I must agree with you completely with regards to your observations about Hillary. She is a bitter, self-serving bitch to be sure.

Have a great 2008. Hope you achieve all that you want.

3:22 PM  

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