Thursday, November 02, 2006

"John Kerry and the Importance of Fancy Book Learning"

Last week, during a speech to a group of college students in California, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry told them, "You know education. If you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't you get stuck in Iraq." According to Kerry, it was a joke aimed at the President.


If the Republicans needed a rallying call in the midst of what was looking like a Democratic runaway, they got one. And mark my words, if the Republicans hold the Senate, or by some miracle, hold the House on November 7, Kerry will go down in history as the Congressional Bill Buckner.

What I can't figure out is why someone as smart as Kerry would say something as stupid and as incendiary as he did a week before the elections. Did no one in his camp run the risk/reward scenario in SimPolitics before the speech? I've seen the West Wing. Where was Kerry's Deputy Director of Shut the Hell Up? I mean, really. He couldn't wait one more week to cheapshot the President? It's not like he's going anywhere.

The reality is, what the distinguised comic from Massachusetts said wasn't even close to being funny. And whether he meant to or not, he insulted every man and woman fighting for this country. Oh, he said he would never have intentially insulted the troops (other than maybe that one time in the 60s). But that's like saying "you don't sweat much for a fat girl" and then telling her you meant it as a compliment.

To make matters worse, Kerry insulted everyone else in the country saying we clearly weren't smart enough to get the joke. Wow. You would have thought the seven years I spent in college getting three degrees would have served me a little better than that.

The truth of the matter is, Kerry opened his mouth and inserted his foot and it will cost the Democrats. The question is, how much? Personally, I can't wait to see what the fallout will be over the next two years. He's already got Democratic constituents dodging him like he's a bullet in the Matrix. But hey, don't worry about John Kerry. He's got ketchup money.

Besides, rumor has it the Dixie Chicks are looking for an opening act.


Blogger politicaladguy said...

Supremely well written. Seriously.

I need a Vice President of Shut The Hell Up.


3:51 PM  

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