Wednesday, July 09, 2008

"Se Habla Espanol?"

The good news is the views of the Presidential candidates are starting to round into shape so we can all try to make an educated decision in November. The bad news is listening to what Barack Obama is saying and realizing the guy has a 50/50 shot at being the next President of the United States.

In just over 120 days, those of us who are American, over 18 and haven't committed a felony, will have the sacred opportunity to vote for the leader of our country. It's one of the cornerstone privileges of being a U.S. citizen and we should thank God and the men and women who have served and died for our right to have it.

I have lots of friends who are Liberal, Liberal, Liberal on the Label, Label, Label and often, we do not see eye to eye. This election is one of those times. I will clearly be voting Republican and while I don't hope to change the minds of my friends, I do hope that they truly understand what they are voting for in November. Not who , but what. Bigger government. Higher taxes. Less freedom.

I'll admit I like Barack Obama as a man. I have a lot of respect for the hand the guy has played from the cards he was dealt. I applaud his energy, his dedication to wanting to make a difference, and his willingness to step up and lead. I'm fine with the idea of a black President, a young President and a President who wants to shake up the status quo in the pursuit of a stronger, better country. What I can't stomach, are his philosophies, his policies and his constant reminders that an expanded government can do a better job deciding how I should live my life than I can.

Today, in a speech to a group in Powder Springs, Georgia, Barack Obama questioned why everyone was so worked up about immigrants learning English. His comment? "You don't need to worry about immigrants learning English. They'll learn English. Instead, you need to make sure your children can speak Spanish."

That kind of arrogance completely sets me off. Those who know me, know I have zero tolerance for ego or arrogance and that statement is dripping with both. I hesitate to admit my disdain for statements like this because it immediately paints me as xenophobic, or racist - neither of which is true. For many others on the left it makes me ignorant, close-minded, uneducated and intolerant. Say what you will, I'm none of those things. But I do believe this arrogant "Let me tell you what YOU need to do" rhetoric is indicative of what we can expect for the next four years if Barack Obama is elected President.

Clearly the idea of learning a second or third language is fantastic for children and adults alike. Right now, kids all over the world are learning languages other than their own. In China , kids are learning English, Russian and Mandarin. Not some of them. All of them. I'm sure they'd be learning Spanish too except there aren't 12 to 14 million illegal immigrants speaking it in their country. I took four years of Spanish in High School and two more in the kitchen at The Olive Garden in grad school, but it wasn't so I could replace my primary language. It was so I could travel and speak the language of the country I was visiting.

So why is it Barack and the liberal left are so insistent on everyone bending over backwards for a group who's primarily here illegally, who refuse to learn our language, refuse to assimilate themselves into our culture and who aren't paying a dime of income tax, yet taking advantage of our schools, healthcare and opportunities? You want to know why? Because illegal immigrants represent 12 million potential Democratic voters.

If the Democrats win the White House and maintain the Congress, how long do you think it will be before they ramrod a bill through accelerating amnesty for illegal immigrants? The 2000 Presidential election was decided by just over half a million votes. The 2004 election was decided by 3 million. If the Democrats legalize 12 million people, it could be generations before a Conservative leader is elected President again. That's something our country may never recover from. Don't believe me? Talk to Europe.

America is, and has always been, the land of opportunity. But for those who want to come here, the first opportunity they need to take advantage of is getting in line to come to our country the right way. Remember what I said about ego and arrogance? That goes double for people who break the rules. And right now, there are a whole lot of people breaking the rules. Not only that, many are now taunting the very system that allows them the freedom to be here in the first place.

Last week, a friend sent me a series of photos of Mexican High School kids in California taking down the U.S. flag at their school and replacing it with the Mexican flag. The final shot in the sequence showed the group with their arms up, cheering, with the U.S. flag wadded up to the side. It made my blood boil and my skin crawl. I also found it chilling because I'd seen that scene before.

It was just like the ones we saw from Al Qaeda after 9/11.